The project ACROSS sees the participation of the team coordinated by Prof. Antonio Andreini at DIEF through the CINI (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica). The team is involved in one of the application pilots faced in the project i.e. the “Greener aero-engine modules optimization”, analyzing, in partnership with AvioAero, the combustor engine module.
The main goal of the combustor pilot within the ACROSS project is to reduce the aero-engine combustor design phase by acting on both physical problem modeling and hardware optimization aspects. In other words, the aim is to improve the quality of numerical results by getting as close as possible to the reference experimental results with reduced calculation times. To achieve this goal, an important step will be to optimize the existing multiphysics and multi-scale loosely-coupled tool called U-THERM3D and developed at the University of Florence within the commercial CFD solver ANSYS Fluent. This academic tool was designed to solve Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) problems inside aero-engine combustion chambers in a numerically efficient manner by desynchronizing the time-steps employed to solve all the involved heat transfer phenomena. With this customized numerical procedure, the three main heat transfer mechanisms, convection (intrinsically dependent on flow turbulence and chemical reaction), conduction, and radiation, are solved in dedicated simulations with a parallel coupling strategy.
Starting on 1st March 2021, the project ACROSS will run for a 3-year period with a total budget of €8.8 million.
This project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 955648. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Italy, France, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Greece, Netherlands, Germany, Norway.
Il progetto SOLARGRID (Sistemi sOlari termodinamici e fotovoLtaici con Accumulo peR co-GeneRazIone e flessibilità Di rete) mira all’innovazione e all’upgrade dei componenti e dei sistemi connessi alle tecnologie Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) e Concentrating PhotoVoltaic (CPV) con l’obiettivo generale di migliorarne le prestazioni energetiche, la competitività economica e nell’ottica dell’integrazione all’interno di reti avanzate per la gestione dell’energia.
Tale obiettivo generale sarà perseguito attraverso i seguenti target specifici:
RISULTATI: I risultati della ricerca, le soluzioni tecnologiche e le strategie di controllo e gestione individuate saranno validate in campo, mediante attività sperimentali su dimostratori che saranno opportunamente aggiornati, se esistenti, o da realizzare ex-novo.
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