Curriculum vitae: |
Federico Carpi is an Associate Professor in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Florence, Department of Industrial Engineering, Florence, Italy. He was born in Pisa, Italy, in 1975 and received from the University of Pisa the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering in 2001, the Ph.D. degree in Bioengineering in 2005 and a second Laurea degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2008. From 2005 to 2012 he has been a post-Doc researcher at the University of Pisa, School of Engineering, Research Centre “E. Piaggio”. From 2012 to 2016 he has been an Associate Professor (Reader) in Biomedical Engineering and Biomaterials at Queen Mary University of London, School of Engineering and Materials Science, UK. Since 2016, he is with the University of Florence, where he leads the ‘SMART – Soft Matter ARtificial muscles and Transducers’ research group (www.smart.unifi.it). Since 2014, he is also an Adjunct Professor at Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China. His research interests include smart material-based biomedical and bioinspired mechatronic devices, polymer artificial muscles, as well as electrical and magnetic systems for non-invasive diagnostics. From 2010 to 2014 he has been the Chair of the 'European Scientific Network for Artificial Muscles - ESNAM' (www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/mpns/MP1003), focused on transducers and artificial muscles based on electroactive polymers, and in 2015 he has coordinated in that field the publication of the first international standards. From 2013 to 2017 he has served as the first President of the ‘European Society on Electromechanically Active Polymer Transducers and Artificial Muscles’ (www.euroeap.eu). Since 2019, he is included in the ranking of the top 100,000 most influential scientists according to standardized citation metrics. He is an Editorial Board member of several international journals, and member of the scientific committees of several conferences. His publications include some 80 articles in international journals, 3 edited books and several contributions to books and conferences. |
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