The Mechatronics and Dynamic Modelling (MDM) Lab is an applied research group led by Prof. Benedetto Allotta, Prof. Andrea Rindi and Prof. Enrico Meli. It counts 20+ members working on:


Did you know that "ROBOT" is drawn from an old Slavic word standing for "servitude"? Today, robots are more than that: they are allies and collaborators! MDM Lab works with them in cutting-edge fields like MARINE, HEALTHCARE and COLLABORATIVE ROBOTICS

The MDM Lab research group has dozens of years of experience in Robotics, has been and still is part of several national and international research projects, has ongoing collaborations with the Industry, and offers opportunities to work on its research topics through laboratory exams, Bachelor's and Master's theses and PhD courses.

>>>   Find out more about our research topics, activities and courses!

Are you a student interested in joining our multi-award-winning UNIFI Robotics Team? Visit the dedicated page and discover what the team is up to!


  1. Modeling, Simulation and Testing of Mechatronic Systems
  2. Rail and Road Vehicle Dynamics
  3. Tribology (Contact and Wear)


  1. Turbomachinery with Emphasis on Rotor Dynamics and Bearings
  2. Multi-Physics System


How to reach us

MDM LAB's main offices are located within the historic complex of "Santa Marta" accessible at:
Via di Santa Marta 3, 50139 Firenze (FI)

After passing through the entrance gate and the automatic bar, follow the directions to "DIEF" and head to the right wing ("Ala Est") of the building. Go through the wooden front door and enter the "Salone di Villa Cristina." As you enter the hall, on the left, you will find two elevators and a flight of stairs: choose your preferred way up to the second floor. Once at the top, turn left again and enter the corridor where you will find all our offices.

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