Thermo Group

Compressed Air Energy Storage




In a caes system, air is compressed in hours of low energy costs, recovering heat from the compressors; in the subsequent expansion, the air get's heated by the thermal energy precedently stored. Compared to existing systems (CAES with combustion) the proposed system does not require connection to the gas network and has no polluting emissions.


Relevant publications:

  • G Grazzini, A Milazzo, Thermodynamic analysis of CAES/TES systems for renewable energy plants, Renewable Energy 33 (9), 2008
  • G Grazzini, A Milazzo, A thermodynamic analysis of multistage adiabatic CAESProceedings of the IEEE 100 (2), 461-472, 2012
  • G Grazzini, A Milazzo, Exergy analysis of a CAES with thermal energy storageEurotherm 2008 - Eindhoven (NL)
  • F Buffa, S Kemble, G Manfrida, A Milazzo, Exergy and exergoeconomic model of a ground-based CAES plant for peak-load energy productionEnergies 6 (2), 1050-1067, 2013


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