Research in the field of refrigeration is at the core of the group's activities. Currently, several studies are carried over a wide range of different types of refrigeration systems, such as compression cycles, air systems, ice slurries and ejectior refrigeration (for this last, see dedicated page).
As part of the refrigeration research activities, bachelor and master theses are available on the following topics:
G. Grazzini, A. Milazzo, Tecnica del freddo, Esculapio Editrice, Bologna, 2017
G. Grazzini Ottimizzazione termodinamica di frigoriferi Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, 1999.
International journals and conferences:
G.Grazzini, A.Rocchetti Thermodynamic optimization of irreversible refrigerators, Energy Conv. and Manag., 2014, 84, pp. 583-588.
G.Grazzini, R.Rinaldi Thermodynamic optimal design of heat exchangers for an irreversible refrigerator, Int. J. of Thermal Sci., N.2, V.40, 2001, pp.173-180. IF= 0.436
G.Grazzini Irreversible refrigerators with isothermal heat exchanges Int. Journal of Refrigeration, Vol.16, No.2, 1993, pp.101-106.
G. Grazzini, A. Gagliardi How to choose cooling fluid in finned tube heat exchangers Presented at 5° Workshop on Ice Slurries, Stockholm 30-31 may 2002, pp.47-53.
G. Grazzini, P. Ferraro A thermodynamic parameter to choose secondary coolant fluid Presented at 2° Workshop on Ice Slurries, Paris 25-26 may 2000, pp.20-28.
National journal and conferences
G.Grazzini, M. D'Albero Confronto termodinamico tra sistemi frigoriferi tritermici. Cong. ATI, Firenze 15-18 settembre 1998, Vol. I, pp.305-316.
G.Grazzini, R.Rinaldi Ottimizzazione numerica di un sistema frigorifero. Cong. ATI, Udine 16-20 settembre 1996, Vol. I, pp.743-752.
G.Grazzini Cicli inversi irreversibili con scambi isotermi XLVI Congresso Nazionale ATI, Gaeta 25-27 settembre 1991, Vol.1, pp.IA-3-10.