Manufacturing Technologies Research Laboratory

Riccardo Barbieri


Riccardo Barbieri took his Management Engineering degree with a thesis on process optimization for the Public Administration in 2009.

In 2010 he started his PhD course in the research field of Alternative Mobility such as electric vehicles and wireless power transfer technologies, participating the FP7 European project named UNPLUGGED.

In 2013 he started a post-doc collaboration with the Università degli studi di Firenze on the topics of electric mobility and optimization of factories' job floor within the H2020 project FACTS4WORKERS.

He is also a SixSigma method expert with more than 5 years in formation and on-field consultancies.


Riccardo Barbieri 

Università degli Studi di Firenze

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale

Via di S.Marta, 3

50139 Firenze (FI), Italy

Phone:(+39) 055 2758726

Mobile: (+39) 338 9216815



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