Dr Niccolò Grossi is a postdoctoral fellow at MTRL in the Department of Industrial Engineering of Firenze. He took his Master degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2011. Then he pursed his PhD, graduating in April 2014 with a thesis on “Modelling and simplification methods for machine tool dynamics prediction in high speed milling”, supervised by Dr Antonio Scippa. During his PhD studies, he was a visiting student at the Manufacturing Automation Laboratory at University of British Columbia, supervised by Prof Yusuf Altintas.His research is on machine tool and cutting process dynamics, focusing on chatter vibration in milling. Accordingly his main research interests are: Chatter prediction, experimental detection and suppression, FE modelling, Experimental Modal Analysis, Cutting process simulation, Cutting force models.
Niccolò Grossi Università degli Studi di Firenze Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale Via di S.Marta, 3 50139 Firenze (FI), Italy Phone:(+39) 055 2758726 Mobile: (+39) 333 7408227 Email: niccolo.grossi@unifi.it |