TIPP--Team per l'Innovazione di Processo e di Prodotto


Prof. Monica Carfagni

Prof. Lapo Governi





Reverse Engineering, VIrtual and Rapid Prototyping




INEA – Laboratorio per l’Ingegneria Elettroacustica




SMIPP – Strumenti e Metodi per l’Innovazione di Prodotto e Processo

Joint Lab with PIN – Prato



T3Ddy - Personalized pediatrics by inTegrating 3D aDvanced technologY


Joint Lab with Meyer Children’s Hospital


Custom3D-Customized Medicinein 3D Joint Lab with Careggi Hospital




LINA – Laboratorio di INgegneria per L’Acustica

Joint Lab with Vie En.Ro.Se. Ingegneria SRL



RING@LAB - Rehabilitation bioengineerING and Assistive Technology LAB

Joint LAB with Don Gnocchi Rehabilitation Institute





IDEE – Innovation in Design & Engineering Lab

Joint Lab with the Department of Architecture DIDA



Our Group

The TIP (Product & Process Innovation Team) research group is part of the Department of Industrial Engineering of Florence (DIEF). The group is coordinated by Prof. Monica Carfagni, who harmonizes the work of 15+ people. The team is composed by researchers with different educations profiles and a background in various technical areas, resulting in a group that can count on the integration of multiple skills and competences from many technical fields. The main areas covered by the group’s expertise are mechanical engineering, computer science and biomedical engineering. Mechanical design, additive manufacturing, reverse engineering, geometric modelling, computer graphics, virtual & physical prototyping, process simulations, and acoustics are the principal competences of the group.

TIP’s mission is the study and development of design methods and tools, tailored to solve advanced design problems from different technical areas.

This research interest has emerged, over 20+ years, in different ways, producing significant and innovative results in numerous application fields. Notable examples, described in the following pages, can be found in the following sectors: biomedical, cultural heritage, industrial, fashion & textile, environment, food & agriculture. Some examples of the innovations achieved by TIP are the mechanical design of advanced systems, development of custom CAD software tools, study of optical scanning systems, improvement of medical procedures, development of prototypal products.

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