Manufacturing Technologies Research Laboratory

Francesco Bandini


Francesco Bandini got his graduation in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Firenze in February,1984. Since that date he has been always involved in the field of CAM Systems development, working as free-lance consultant for Oerlikon Italiana, E.C.S. Numerical Control Systems and other reference companies for Industrial Automation.

Co-founder of Auton, CAM company producer of the homonymous CAM software, he is now Product Engineering Manager in Auton Ricerca, a company of the DP Technology group, a multi-national group of companies producing the ESPRIT CAM system.

His main expertise is software development for 5-axis Milling Machining.

Since the year 2008 he is contract professor in University of Florence.

Francesco Bandini

Auton Ricerca s.r.l.

Via I.Nardi,2

50132 Firenze

Phone:(+39) 055 2342286

Fax:(+39) 055 2347858

Mobile: (+39) 380 3619711






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